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Посты с категорией Colón Guanahaní

(Español) Oferta Black Friday 2021

Статью написал/а | 18 November, 2021 | 0 комментарии

К сожалению, эта запись доступна только в Европейский Испанский, Американский Английский, Французский, Немецкий y Нидерландский

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(Español) Test de antígenos o PCR sin salir del hotel

Статью написал/а | 22 July, 2021 | 0 комментарии

In House PCR Test Adrian Hoteles

In House PCR Test Adrian Hoteles

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Disinfecting our Hotels in Tenerife

Статью написал/а | 17 April, 2020 | 2 комментарии

Disinfecting our Hotels in Tenerife

Disinfecting our Hotels in Tenerife

As a preventive measure our 3 hotels have been completely disinfected.

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TUI Umwelt 2019 y TUI TOP Quality 2019 para los tres hoteles de Adrián Hoteles

Статью написал/а | 7 November, 2019 | 0 комментарии

TUI Colon

We are very pleased that our three hotels Roca NivariaJardines de Nivaria and Colón Guanahaní receive the TUI Umwelt Champion 2019 & TUI Top Quality 2019, one of the most important international awards that values the accommodations committed to the environment and sustainability. читать полный текст

Sigue tus sueños – Episodio 2/3 Colón Guanahaní

Статью написал/а | 12 September, 2019 | 0 комментарии

“Follow Your Dreams” entails a story of a young woman who discovers her mother’s box of holiday photographs which bring back happy memories of their holiday together at Jardines de Nivaria. She decides to make the trip to Tenerife again, the same hotel, but alone…
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Schauinsland Top Hotel Partner 2018

Статью написал/а | 30 August, 2019 | 0 комментарии

Our hotels Roca Nivaria GH 5* and Colón Guanahaní 4* have received again the “Top Hotel Partner 2018” award from the German touroperator Schauinsland Reisen.🏆 читать полный текст

Todo lo que necesita saber durante su estancia a su alcance

Статью написал/а | 18 July, 2019 | 0 комментарии

Here is everything you need to know during your stay at our hotels. читать полный текст

Adrián Hoteles recibe el HolidayCheck Gold Award 2019

Статью написал/а | 16 May, 2019 | 0 комментарии

Our three hotels of the Adrián Hoteles chain in Tenerife have received the HolidayCheck Gold Award 2019. This means, that our hotels Jardines de Nivaria (5 stars), Colón Guanahaní (4 stars) y Roca Nivaria Gran Hotel (5 stars) have been voted as one of the most popular holtes in the world for at least 5th time in a row! читать полный текст

Adrian Hoteles contrata 100% energía renovable

Статью написал/а | 11 February, 2019 | 0 комментарии

Image: www.uavcanarias.com

Since the beginning of 2019, at Adrián Hoteles we have added our commitment to the environment, switching to green energy for 100% of our electricity consumption.

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Schauinsland Top Hotel Partner 2017

Статью написал/а | 18 June, 2018 | 0 комментарии

Team members showing the award

The hotels Roca Nivaria GH 5* and Colón Guanahaní 4* have received the “Top Hotel Partner 2017” award from the German touroperator Schauinsland Reisen.🏆


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