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Postes de catégorie Uncategorized

Adrián Hoteles vuelve a recibir el TUI Top Quality

Par | 14 September, 2017 | 4 commentaires

TUI Top Quality_Adrian hoteles

Adrián Hoteles is proud to have received a new award given by the German tour operator TUI.

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Adrián Hoteles recibe el premio TUI Umwelt Champion 2017

Par | 29 August, 2017 | 0 commentaires

TUI Umwelt Champion 2017

TUI Group is a tour operator that gives awards to hotels in Spain and other parts of the world every year.

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Jardines de Nivaria antes y después de la reforma

Par | 24 August, 2017 | 3 commentaires


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Apertura del nuevo Aequor Spa

Par | 29 June, 2017 | 0 commentaires


The luxury spa and wellness centre of Tenerife’s five-star Hotel Jardines de Nivaria, has recently re-opened its doors after a thorough fine-tuning of its facilities – which are now more relaxing and inviting than ever. Offering an all-new thermal circuit with anti-splash water jets, six massage booths and over 50 treatments to choose from, Lire l’article complet

Roca Nivaria GH y Colón Guanahaní premiados con el Top Hotel Partner 2016

Par | 27 June, 2017 | 0 commentaires

schauinsland 2017

One more year, the Roca Nivaria GH 5* and the hotel Colón Guanahaní 4* have been awarded by the the German tour operator Schauinsland Reisen.

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Un cóctel en Tiffany’s

Par | 22 June, 2017 | 0 commentaires



Good Life is one of the favorite cocktails that you will be able to enjoy at Tiffany’s Bar, in our hotel Jardines de Nivaria. A really apropriate name for this drink and its environment.

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José Joaquín Cortés da un curso de cata de vinos a los empleados de Adrián Hoteles

Par | 28 March, 2017 | 2 commentaires


The sommelier and consultant José Joaquín Cortés has offered the employees of the bars and restaurants at Adrián Hoteles a wine tasting course. Over the past few weeks, Cortés -named the best sommelier in Spain “Nariz de Oro” (Golden Nose) 2012- has shared his knowledge of sensorial analysis and all types of wine with our workers. Lire l’article complet

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