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Postes de catégorie Colón Guanahaní

Schauinsland Top Hotel Partner 2018

Par | 30 August, 2019 | 0 commentaires

Our hotels Roca Nivaria GH 5* and Colón Guanahaní 4* have received again the “Top Hotel Partner 2018” award from the German touroperator Schauinsland Reisen.🏆 Lire l’article complet

Todo lo que necesita saber durante su estancia a su alcance

Par | 18 July, 2019 | 0 commentaires

Here is everything you need to know during your stay at our hotels. Lire l’article complet

Adrián Hoteles recibe el HolidayCheck Gold Award 2019

Par | 16 May, 2019 | 0 commentaires

Our three hotels of the Adrián Hoteles chain in Tenerife have received the HolidayCheck Gold Award 2019. This means, that our hotels Jardines de Nivaria (5 stars), Colón Guanahaní (4 stars) y Roca Nivaria Gran Hotel (5 stars) have been voted as one of the most popular holtes in the world for at least 5th time in a row! Lire l’article complet

Adrian Hoteles contrata 100% energía renovable

Par | 11 February, 2019 | 0 commentaires

Image: www.uavcanarias.com

Depuis début 2019, Adrian Hoteles a augmenté son engagement en faveur de l’environnement en passant des contrats d’énergie verte à 100% de sa consommation d’électricité.

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Schauinsland Top Hotel Partner 2017

Par | 18 June, 2018 | 0 commentaires

Team members showing the award

The hotels Roca Nivaria GH 5* and Colón Guanahaní 4* have received the “Top Hotel Partner 2017” award from the German touroperator Schauinsland Reisen.🏆

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Par | 6 June, 2018 | 0 commentaires

Logotipo del mundial

Don’t miss any of the FIFA World Cup 2018 football matches while staying at our hotels.
Each of our hotels has a dedicated room to enjoy the game as follows:

Hotel Jardines de Nivaria: Bar Restaurante Cascada
Hotel Roca Nivaria: Sala Tagoror
Hotel Colón Guanahaní: Pool Bar Pérgola

The results will be also published on our info screens around the hotels. Lire l’article complet

Adrián Hoteles vuelve a recibir el TUI Top Quality

Par | 14 September, 2017 | 4 commentaires

TUI Top Quality_Adrian hoteles

Adrián Hoteles is proud to have received a new award given by the German tour operator TUI.

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Adrián Hoteles recibe el premio TUI Umwelt Champion 2017

Par | 29 August, 2017 | 0 commentaires

TUI Umwelt Champion 2017

TUI Group is a tour operator that gives awards to hotels in Spain and other parts of the world every year.

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Roca Nivaria GH y Colón Guanahaní premiados con el Top Hotel Partner 2016

Par | 27 June, 2017 | 0 commentaires

schauinsland 2017

One more year, the Roca Nivaria GH 5* and the hotel Colón Guanahaní 4* have been awarded by the the German tour operator Schauinsland Reisen.

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El hotel Colón Guanahaní galardonado por Jet2holidays

Par | 28 October, 2016 | 0 commentaires

Desde Adrián Hoteles tenemos el placer de anunciar que hemos sido galardonados con el Quality Award 2015 por el turoperador Jet2holidays.

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