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Adrian Hoteles
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Transparency Law

About the Transparency Report:

With this document, the following companies comply with the TRANSPARENCY provisions established in the Transparency Law, regulated by Canary Islands Law 12/2014 and State Law 19/2013. The Canary Islands Law 12/2014, in article 3.1, letter b), includes within its scope of application private companies or entities that receive more than 60,000 euros per year in public aid, as does the basic State Regulation (Law 19/2013), establishing a smaller set of information obligations than those provided for in the Canary Islands or other regional regulations. The Canary Islands Transparency Law states that “the Commissioner shall present to the Parliament of the Canary Islands an annual report on the application and fulfilment of transparency obligations by the different public and private entities of the Autonomous Community, with the minimum content established by the Law”. Article 64 states that private entities “shall provide the Commissioner for Transparency and Access to Public Information with the information requested and shall cooperate as is necessary so they may carry out their duties. In particular, they must keep updated and available detailed information on the degree of application of the law in their respective areas of competence.

  • ADRIAN HOTELES SL: B38751913
  • ADRUE SLU: B38806766

Hereinafter, they will all be referred to as ADRIAN HOTELES

About the Canary Islands Transparency Law:

Canary Islands Law 12/2014, of 26 December, on Transparency and Access to Public Information, in its Chapter II “Information on the Organisation and Activities of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands”, in its second section dedicated to information subject to publication, in Articles 17 to 33, details the information subject to publication.

About the Commissioner for Transparency:

This is a body created by the Canary Islands Transparency Law, with the aim of promoting, analysing, controlling and protecting transparency and the right of access to public information in the Canary Islands. It must act with autonomy and complete independence in the exercise of the functions assigned to it by Law 12/2014, of 26 December, on Transparency and Access to Public Information. The regulation of this body is contained in Title IV of the aforementioned Law. The Commissioner for Transparency has various powers, among which two main ones stand out: the control of compliance with the obligation to publish the information listed in Title II of the Law by the bodies and entities subject to it (known as “active publicity”); and the resolution of complaints lodged by citizens against express or presumed decisions on requests for access to information made by the bodies and entities subject to the Canary Islands Transparency Law.

How can I contact the Canary Islands Transparency Commissioner?

By telephone: 922 47 33 00

By email:

Website of the Canary Islands Transparency Commissioner:

General information about the entity.

The commercial brand ADRIAN Hoteles is made up of 3 companies:

  • Jardines de Nivaria SL, Calle París s/n, 38660, Costa Adeje. B38508081
  • Colón Guanahaní SLU, Avenida Bruselas, 9, 38660. Costa Adeje. B76534742
  • Adrue SL, Av Adeje, 300, 20, 38678, Playa Paraíso. B38806766

Organisation chart

Annual accounts

ADRIAN HOTELES fulfils its legal obligation to file its annual accounts with the SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE TRADE REGISTER, which can be consulted through the following link:

Contracts with public administrations:

We do not have any contracts with public administrations.

Decisions to withdraw from or renounce contracts:

We do not have any contracts with public administrations.

List of minor contracts:

We have not participated in or formalised any minor contracts with the public administration.

Amendments to formalised contracts:

We do not have any formalised contracts with the public administration.

Statistical data on the percentage of the budget volume of contracts awarded through each of the procedures set out in the LCSP:

We do not have any formalised contracts with the public administration.

Name and purpose, duration, tender and amount awarded:

We do not have any formalised contracts with the public administration.

Management agreements and mandates:

We do not have any agreements and/or management mandates with any public administration.

Amendments to formalised agreements:

We have no formalised agreements with the public administration.

List of grants and subsidies awarded


YEAR 2022

Grant of a COVID subsidy for direct aid to self-employed persons and companies, Title I RDL 5/2021, by the Regional Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade, for an amount of €5,000,000.00

YEAR 2023

Grant of a non-competitive subsidy to companies that have participated in dual vocational training projects following the EU response to Covid-19, by the Regional Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sport, for an amount of €539.00


YEAR 2021

Grant to cover the cost of the property tax borne by companies owning tourist facilities affected by the Covid-19 crisis, by the Regional Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade, for an amount of €252,127.01

YEAR 2022

Grant for the installation of renewable energy sources, by the Regional Ministry for Ecological Transition, the Fight against Climate Change and Territorial Planning, for an amount of €86,104.71

YEAR 2023

Grant of a non-competitive subsidy to companies that have participated in Dual Vocational Training projects as part of the EU response to Covid-19, by the Regional Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sport, for an amount of €1,176.00


YEAR 2021

Grant to cover the cost of the property tax paid by companies owning tourist facilities affected by the Covid-19 crisis, by the Regional Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade, for an amount of €153,977.63

YEAR 2022

Grant under the Programme for the Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings (PREE), by the Ministry for Ecological Transition, Combating Climate Change and Territorial Planning, for an amount of €219,834.58

Grant under the Programme for the Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings (PREE), by the Ministry for Ecological Transition, Combating Climate Change and Territorial Planning, for an amount of €171,910.34

YEAR 2023

Grant of a non-competitive subsidy to companies that have participated in Dual Vocational Training projects as part of the EU response to Covid-19, by the Regional Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sport, for an amount of €1,127.00


YEAR 2021

Grant for the improvement of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies, from the Regional Ministry for Ecological Transition, the Fight against Climate Change and Territorial Planning, for an amount of €90,000.00

Grant for the improvement of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies, from the Regional Ministry for Ecological Transition, the Fight against Climate Change and Territorial Planning, for an amount of €90,000.00

YEAR 2022

Grant awarded under the Programme for the Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings (PREE), by the Regional Ministry for Ecological Transition, Combating Climate Change and Territorial Planning, for an amount of €173,454.42