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Posts with category Adrian Hoteles

Parques canarios para toda la familia

By | 17 September, 2015 | 0 comments

Who says outdoors activities can not be enjoyed after summer? The amazing Canarian temperatures keep perfectly during the whole year. The best allied to get the most out of the parks in Tenerife anytime.

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Corazones de Tejina: color y vistosidad

By | 17 August, 2015 | 0 comments

At the end of August in Tenerife island, one of the most remarkable festival in the Canarian archipelago is celebrated. The same week as Saint Bartholomew’s day, the town of Tejina takes in the celebration of the Corazones de Tejina (Tejina’s Hearts). Declared an Official Asset of Cultural Interest, it is a centenary tradition. From Adrián Hoteles, Read full article

El equipo de Adrian Hoteles – Macaronesia en ORC 2015 en Barcelona

By | 21 July, 2015 | 0 comments

On the 4th of July, nearly a hundred ships from 22 countries, have met in the Real Club Náutico de Barcelona to compete along the coast of Barcelona in the ORC World Championship 2015 World Championship.

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The most popular fruit: the Canarian Banana

By | 13 July, 2015 | 0 comments

If we tried to know which fruit is the most likeable, we would conclude the banana is one of the favourites. In Canarian Islands 400.000 tones are cultivated each year, the 60% of European Union total production. From Adrián Hoteles we explain you the qualities of this precious fruit.

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El dulce canario por excelencia: el plátano

By | 13 July, 2015 | 0 comments

If we tried to know which fruit is the most likeable, we would conclude the banana is one of the favourites. In Canarian Islands 400.000 tones are cultivated each year, the 60% of European Union total production. From Adrián Hoteles we explain you the qualities of this precious fruit.

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Las mejores puestas de sol en Tenerife

By | 16 June, 2015 | 0 comments

The exceptional weather of Tenerife allows an impressive sight of the sky, day or night. So, any part of the island is perfect to watch it. Therefore, Adrián Hoteles suggests you some places to enjoy the best sunsets.

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Nuevos Premios de Holidaycheck y Booking.com

By | 13 April, 2015 | 0 comments

We are very grateful that the Adrian Hoteles group has received several awards through Holidaycheck and Booking.com

We are smiling because our hotels were awarded by Holidaycheck as one of the most popular hotels worldwide!

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Playas paradisíacas cerca de nuestros hoteles

By | 23 March, 2015 | 0 comments

The island of Tenerife is famous because of its weather and its idyllic beaches with fine sand and crystal-clear water. This is the reason why they are one of the most visited places, enjoyed by locals and tourists. Furthermore, the sea of the island has the optimum temperature for swimming at any time of year. Read full article

Adrián Hoteles recibe certificados Travelife Gold Award

By | 11 March, 2015 | 0 comments

Estamos orgullosos de anunciar, que nuestros tres Hoteles han recibido el certificado “Travelife Gold Award”. La calificación GOLD (Oro) representa el máximo nivel que se puede conseguir.

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Adrián Hoteles Achieves Travelife Gold Certificate

By | 11 March, 2015 | 0 comments

We are very proud to annunciate, that all three of Adrian Hoteles have achieved the Travelife Gold Award. The Gold certificate represents the highest level that can be achieved.

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