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Beiträge der Kategorie Roca Nivaria GH 5*

Schauinsland Top Hotel Partner 2018

Mit | 30 August, 2019 | 0 kommentare

Unsere Hotels Roca Nivaria GH 5* und Colón Guanahaní 4* haben erneut die “Top Hotel Partner 2018” Auszeichnung von Schauinsland Reisen erhalten.🏆
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Todo lo que necesita saber durante su estancia a su alcance

Mit | 18 July, 2019 | 0 kommentare

Here is everything you need to know during your stay at our hotels. Artikel lesen

Fiesta de cumpleaños de RONI

Mit | 20 June, 2019 | 4 kommentare


carta invitación 5º cumple RONI 2019

Dieses Jahr feiert unser Maskottchen RONI seinen Geburtstag am 8. August. Wenn Du im Hotel bist, rechnen wir mit Dir! Artikel lesen

Adrián Hoteles recibe el HolidayCheck Gold Award 2019

Mit | 16 May, 2019 | 0 kommentare

Our three hotels of the Adrián Hoteles chain in Tenerife have received the HolidayCheck Gold Award 2019. This means, that our hotels Jardines de Nivaria (5 stars), Colón Guanahaní (4 stars) y Roca Nivaria Gran Hotel (5 stars) have been voted as one of the most popular holtes in the world for at least 5th time in a row! Artikel lesen

Premios de Hotels.com para Jardines de Nivaria y Roca Nivaria GH

Mit | 23 April, 2019 | 2 kommentare

New Awards for Jardines de Nivaria and Roca Nivaria GH by Hotels.com

We are very grateful for the latest awards by Hotels.com for our hotels Jardines de Nivaria***** & Roca Nivaria GH*****.

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Imágenes de las habitaciones reformadas Roca Nivaria GH

Mit | 22 February, 2019 | 0 kommentare

Junior Suite

We are happy to present you some more images of our refurbished rooms and their views at Roca Nivaria.

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Adrian Hoteles contrata 100% energía renovable

Mit | 11 February, 2019 | 0 kommentare

Foto: www.uavcanarias.com

Seit Anfang 2019 haben wir bei Adrian Hoteles unser Engagement für die Umwelt verstärkt, indem wir 100% unseres Stromverbrauchs aus grüner Energie beziehen.

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Así están quedando las habitaciones en Roca Nivaria GH

Mit | 25 October, 2018 | 2 kommentare

All copyrights reserved. Copyright uses for Adrian Hoteles for sales and marketing promotions only.

Roca Nivaria GH offers comfortable bedrooms and the new design has been inspired by the contrasts from the Island of Tenerife. With the main features focusing on the Canary Ocean and blue sky, this combination creates a unique, comfortable environment.

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¿Qué tiempo hará ahora en Tenerife?

Mit | 12 July, 2018 | 2 kommentare

Exterior hotel Roca Nivaria

It’s always said that the Canary Islands and, specifically Tenerife, have the perfect climate, with an average annual temperature of 23ºC. That’s why the Canarian archipelago receives millions of tourists every year, who go there looking for good weather, leisure options, beaches and beautiful landscapes.

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Schauinsland Top Hotel Partner 2017

Mit | 18 June, 2018 | 0 kommentare

Team members showing the award

Die Hotels Roca Nivaria GH 5* und Colón Guanahaní 4* haben die “Top Hotel Partner 2017” Auszeichnung von Schauinsland Reisen erhalten.🏆

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