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Beiträge der Kategorie Adrian Hoteles

Adrian Hoteles participa con el plan de turismo sostenible

Mit | 6 September, 2018 | 0 kommentare

limpieza mar adrian hoteles

Adrian Hoteles participated in Sustainable Tourism Programme of Tenerife’s Tourism board in cleaning the surface of the sea along our coasts.

limpieza mar adrian hoteles2 Artikel lesen


Mit | 6 June, 2018 | 0 kommentare

Logotipo del mundial

Damit Sie nicht die Live-Übertragung der FIFA Fuβball-WM in Russland verpassen, stellen wir in unseren Hotels Fernsehsäle zur Verfügung, wo Sie die Spiele live verfolgen können.

Hotel Jardines de Nivaria: Bar Restaurante Cascada
Hotel Roca Nivaria: Sala Tagoror
Hotel Colón Guanahaní: Pool Bar Pérgola

Die Resultate werden auf unseren Bildschirmen in jedem Hotel ersichtlich sein. Artikel lesen

Booking.com premia Adrián Hoteles con los Guest Review Awards

Mit | 6 March, 2018 | 0 kommentare

Premios booking

Adrián Hoteles continues receiving awards. In this case, the recognition comes from Booking.com, a search engine to find accommodation and leading website when making online hotel reservations around the world. Each year, Booking rewards the hotels with an average score of 8 or more, as long as they have 10 or more customer comments online. Artikel lesen

Aequor SPA

Mit | 16 February, 2018 | 6 kommentare


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Adrián Hoteles reconoce el trabajo de sus empleados

Mit | 18 January, 2018 | 1 kommentar


As we do every year, we have handed over the plates to employees who have been working with us for 20 years and are part of the Adrián Hoteles team.

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Adrián Hoteles sigue recibiendo premios en 2018

Mit | 9 January, 2018 | 0 kommentare

image008Adrián Hoteles starts the year on the right foot with good news: our five-star hotels Jardines de Nivaria and Roca Nivaria have once again received the prestigious TUI Holly 2018 award from the German tour operator TUI Group.
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Descubre la nueva web de La Cúpula, restaurante de lujo en Tenerife

Mit | 3 January, 2018 | 0 kommentare

Cupula restaurant Tenerife

The restaurant La Cúpula in Costa Adeje, part of the Jardines de Nivaria Hotel, has now its official website.

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Adrián Hoteles vuelve a recibir el TUI Top Quality

Mit | 14 September, 2017 | 4 kommentare

TUI Top Quality_Adrian hoteles

Adrián Hoteles is proud to have received a new award given by the German tour operator TUI.

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Jardines de Nivaria antes y después de la reforma

Mit | 24 August, 2017 | 3 kommentare


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Apertura del nuevo Aequor Spa

Mit | 29 June, 2017 | 0 kommentare


The luxury spa and wellness centre of Tenerife’s five-star Hotel Jardines de Nivaria, has recently re-opened its doors after a thorough fine-tuning of its facilities – which are now more relaxing and inviting than ever. Offering an all-new thermal circuit with anti-splash water jets, six massage booths and over 50 treatments to choose from, Artikel lesen


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