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Beiträge der Kategorie Adrian Hoteles

Disinfecting our Hotels in Tenerife

Mit | 17 April, 2020 | 2 kommentare

Disinfecting our Hotels in Tenerife

Disinfecting our Hotels in Tenerife

As a preventive measure our 3 hotels have been completely disinfected.

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Curso de pastelería con Miquel Antoja

Mit | 7 February, 2020 | 0 kommentare

Some of our colleagues in the kitchen and pastry departments in Adrián Hoteles, have had the opportunity to participate in a Patisserie course taught by Miquel Antoja.

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El Hotel Jardines de Nivaria galardonado por LuxairTours

Mit | 28 January, 2020 | 0 kommentare

Letzte Woche war unser Kollege Ernesto auf der Foire Vakanz Messe in Luxemburg, um von den Neuigkeiten der Adrian Hoteles zu berichten. Dort wurde unser Hotel Jardines de Nivaria mit “Quality Award” ausgezeichnet. Vielen Dank LuxairTours! 🙂

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El Restaurante La Cúpula recomendado en la Guía Michelin 2020

Mit | 8 January, 2020 | 0 kommentare

From Adrian Hoteles we are very happy that our restaurant La Cúpula (situated in Jardines de Nivaria Hotel)  has been included once again in the prestigious Gastronomic Guide  Michelin 2020.

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Muchas felicidades!

Mit | 30 December, 2019 | 0 kommentare

From Adrian Hoteles we would like to thank our colleagues for dedicating their 20 amazing years of work to our organisation.

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TUI Umwelt 2019 y TUI TOP Quality 2019 para los tres hoteles de Adrián Hoteles

Mit | 7 November, 2019 | 0 kommentare

TUI Colon

We are very pleased that our three hotels Roca NivariaJardines de Nivaria and Colón Guanahaní receive the TUI Umwelt Champion 2019 & TUI Top Quality 2019, one of the most important international awards that values the accommodations committed to the environment and sustainability. Artikel lesen

Nuestro equipo Macaronesia logra un segundo puesto en la regata Rolex Middle Sea Race

Mit | 28 October, 2019 | 2 kommentare

Our Adrián Hoteles Macaronesia team, led by skipper Daniel Adrián has achieved an amazing second place in the 40th Edition of Rolex Middle Sea Race. Artikel lesen

Abrimos nuestro nuevo parque RoniAventura

Mit | 18 October, 2019 | 0 kommentare

RoniAventura ist ein neuer, in zwei Bereiche aufgeteilter Multiadventure Park. Artikel lesen

Sigue tus sueños – Episodio 2/3 Colón Guanahaní

Mit | 12 September, 2019 | 0 kommentare

“Follow Your Dreams” entails a story of a young woman who discovers her mother’s box of holiday photographs which bring back happy memories of their holiday together at Jardines de Nivaria. She decides to make the trip to Tenerife again, the same hotel, but alone…
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Schauinsland Top Hotel Partner 2018

Mit | 30 August, 2019 | 0 kommentare

Unsere Hotels Roca Nivaria GH 5* und Colón Guanahaní 4* haben erneut die “Top Hotel Partner 2018” Auszeichnung von Schauinsland Reisen erhalten.🏆
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