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Adrian Hoteles

Hotel Jardines de Nivaria recibe premio TUI Holly 2019

Mit | 7 March, 2019 | 2 kommentare

At the annual Award Ceremony, which was held by the German touroperator TUI earlier this week in Berlin, our five-star hotels Jardines de Nivaria have once again received the prestigious TUI Holly 2019, which positions in the top 100 hotels in the world.

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Kategorien: Adrian Hoteles, Environment, Hoteles, hotels, jardines, Jardines de Nivaria 5*, Premios

Imágenes de las habitaciones reformadas Roca Nivaria GH

Mit | 22 February, 2019 | 0 kommentare

Junior Suite

We are happy to present you some more images of our refurbished rooms and their views at Roca Nivaria.

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Kategorien: Adrian Hoteles, home, hotel home, Hoteles, hotels, roca, Roca Nivaria GH 5*, rooms, Uncategorized

Adrian Hoteles contrata 100% energía renovable

Mit | 11 February, 2019 | 0 kommentare


Seit Anfang 2019 haben wir bei Adrian Hoteles unser Engagement für die Umwelt verstärkt, indem wir 100% unseres Stromverbrauchs aus grüner Energie beziehen.

Artikel lesen

Kategorien: Adrian Hoteles, Colón Guanahaní, Environment, Jardines de Nivaria 5*, Roca Nivaria GH 5*

El restaurante La Cúpula recomendado en la guía de Condé Nast Traveler 2019

Mit | 24 January, 2019 | 0 kommentare

condé nast traveler 2019 La Cúpula

From Adrián Hoteles we are very happy that our restaurant La Cúpula (situated in Jardines de Nivaria Hotel)  has been included once again in the prestigious Gastronomic Guide Condé Nast Traveler 2019.

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Kategorien: Adrian Hoteles, Condé Nast Traveler, Jardines de Nivaria 5*, Uncategorized

Hotel Jardines de Nivaria recibe premio TUI Holly

Mit | 9 January, 2019 | 0 kommentare

Adrián Hoteles starts the year on the right foot with good news: our five-star hotels Jardines de Nivaria have once again received the prestigious TUI Holly 2019 award from the German tour operator TUI Group.
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Kategorien: Adrian Hoteles, Jardines de Nivaria 5*, Premios

Así están quedando las habitaciones en Roca Nivaria GH

Mit | 25 October, 2018 | 2 kommentare

All copyrights reserved. Copyright uses for Adrian Hoteles for sales and marketing promotions only.

Roca Nivaria GH offers comfortable bedrooms and the new design has been inspired by the contrasts from the Island of Tenerife. With the main features focusing on the Canary Ocean and blue sky, this combination creates a unique, comfortable environment.

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Kategorien: Adrian Hoteles, Roca Nivaria GH 5*, room detail, rooms, Uncategorized

Adrian Hoteles participa con el plan de turismo sostenible

Mit | 6 September, 2018 | 0 kommentare

limpieza mar adrian hoteles

Adrian Hoteles participated in Sustainable Tourism Programme of Tenerife’s Tourism board in cleaning the surface of the sea along our coasts.

limpieza mar adrian hoteles2 Artikel lesen

Kategorien: Adrian Hoteles, blog, Tenerife, tourism, Uncategorized

El Adrián Hoteles Macaronesia a por su quinta Regata Huelva-La Gomera

Mit | 31 August, 2018 | 0 kommentare

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Europäisches Spanisch verfügbar.

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Kategorien: Uncategorized

Fundación Adrian Hoteles

Mit | 22 August, 2018 | 2 kommentare


In 2017, the Adrian Hotels Foundation was set up by its patrons Rafael Adrián, Aurora Ruera, Daniel Adrián and Julian Adrián. The Foundation’s purpose was to make a difference and support people who were depended upon in helping children and the elderly. Artikel lesen

Kategorien: Uncategorized

Tenerife y Costa Adeje a vista de pájaro

Mit | 14 August, 2018 | 0 kommentare


Have you ever wanted wondered how Tenerife and Costa Adeje from the air looks like? Just 10 minutes ride from our hotels, Helidream helicopters operates sightseeing flights from their heliport in Adeje.

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Kategorien: Tenerife, Uncategorized


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